My concern with having more 'tiers of local government' is that it just creates new layers of bureaucracy - money just ends up being spent on even more executives, managers and administration staff etc, which could be better spent on actually 'doing stuff'. One only has to look at the NHS, and how it is bloated with bureaucrats and administration; it has become a black hole of funding, more money is spent managing it rather than actually treating and helping 'sick' people!

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Interesting - I think in the case of the 'triple deal' there wouldn't be an actual body to represent the three regions. I think it's just that all three would have these new powers (most significantly, fiscal). But there would also be reshaping the boards to allow for more local scrutiny so not sure if that would involve the type of thing you are describing.

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I don't come under Birmingham Council but losing some of the cultural assets of the city would affect a wider area too. Other councils I believe are teetering on the edge too.

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